The main objective of the international workshop "Quantum Gravity, Higher Derivatives and Nonlocality" is to assess our current understanding of the interplay between gravity and quantum mechanics by discussing what is the main role of higher derivatives and nonlocality in the quantization of gravity, and whether they are really necessary to describe Nature at the fundamental level. In addition to discussing formal aspects of several approaches, applications of higher derivatives and nonlocality will be also explored, especially in the context of cosmology and black-hole physics.
Different schools of thought will be brought together, in such a way that everyone can benefit from fruitful discussions and learn from each other. In addition to individual talks, discussion sessions will help making the meeting more exciting and productive, so as to become the source of constructive debates and new insights, and to push our quantum-gravity community towards deeper understandings.
Download the flyer here.
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A vast amount of observational data has made Einstein's General Relativity (GR) the best current theory to describe classical aspects of the gravitational interaction. However, despite its great success there are still fundamental questions that remain unanswered. On short-distance scales GR predicts the existence of black-hole and cosmological big-bang singularities where spacetime terminates and the theory breaks down. Moreover, Einstein's theory lacks predictability in the high-energy regime, being perturbatively non-renormalizable. It is generally believed that a self-consistent theory of quantum gravity is necessary to deal with these issues and complete Einstein's GR in the short-distance and high-energy regimes.
A natural way to extend GR in the high-energy regime is to generalize the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian by adding higher powers of the curvature tensors and, indeed, in 1977 K. Stelle showed that quadratic curvatures were already sufficient to formulate a renormalizable theory of quantum gravity. However, such additional terms were also shown to introduce a "ghost" degree of freedom because of higher order time-derivatives which cause classical Hamiltonian instabilities and break unitarity at the quantum level. This moment in the history of Theoretical Physics - more than forty years ago - can be considered as the beginning of many new attempts aimed at formulating a consistent quantum theory of gravity, and thus at solving both issues of renormalizability and unitarity of the gravitational interaction.
To achieve a thorough assessment of the role and the true meaning of higher, or even infinite, derivatives in the quantization of gravity, in this workshop different point of views will be presented and several approaches to quantum gravity will be covered, among which
Furthermore, applications of quantum gravity, higher derivatives and nonlocality will be discussed in the context of cosmology, black-hole physics and spacetime singularities.
The time of the talks have been carefully chosen in order to be as suitable as possible for all the Invited Speakers, taking into account the fact that scientists from at least three different continents will participate in the Workshop.
Most of the talks will last 30'+5', and few of them 25'+5'. Discussion sessions will last (at least, but most likely more than) 30'.Especially after the 2nd session of each day, discussion sessions can go on for hours without problem.
You can find below the program with all the scheduled talks.
You can now download the abstracts.
Video recordings of the talks and discussion sessions can be found at this YouTube Channel.
Session 1: Towards a (local) theory of quantum gravity
Chair: Luca Buoninfante
Chair: Luca Buoninfante & Richard Woodard
Session 2: EFT of gravity, unitarity problem, Wilsonian vs non-Wilsonian UV completion
Chair: Alessia Platania
Session 1: Asymptotic safety approach to gravity
Chair: Roberto Percacci
Session 2: String (field) theory, higher derivatives & nonlocality
Chair: Alexey Koshelev
Session 1: Higher derivatives, Lorentz (non)-invariance & (non)locality
Chair: Masahide Yamaguchi
Session 2: Nonlocal theories of gravity
Chair: Luca Buoninfante & Sravan Kumar
Chair: Tirthabir Biswas, Luca Buoninfante & Sravan Kumar
Session 1: Black holes, spacetime singularities & higher derivatives
Chair: Francesco Di Filippo
Session 2: Black holes, spacetime singularities & higher derivatives
Chair: Fabio Scardigli
Chair: Francesco Di Filippo & Fabio Scardigli
Session 1: Cosmology, higher derivatives & nonlocality
Chair: Sravan Kumar
Chair: Sravan Kumar & João Marto
Session 2: Cosmology, higher derivatives & nonlocality
Chair: Robert Brandenberger
Chair: Robert Brandenberger, Luca Buoninfante & Sravan Kumar
Chair: Luca Buoninfante & Sravan Kumar
Last updated on March 8, 2021
The International Workshop "Quantum Gravity, Higher Derivatives and Nonlocality" will be held online on the Meeting Platform Zoom, from 8th to 12th March, 2021. The Zoom links will be sent to all the participants by e-mail few weeks in advance.
For any type of question and/or clarification, please contact the Organizing Committee: